The Fire Suppression Print

The Fire Suppression Print

A few weeks back, I printed the “Noctilux Flathead” image—a shot of this same snarling flathead engine, captured from above while I balanced like a lunatic on a pair of ladders. But that wasn’t the end of the circus act. Same session, same flathead—this time, I dropped to ground level. Problem was, I didn’t bother to adjust the lighting I’d rigged for the overhead shot. Too lazy? Too dumb? Who knows. The result was predictably flat, an image with all the drama of a DMV pamphlet and an exposure just shy of salvageable.

Last week, I rolled up my sleeves and decided to fix the damn thing—or die swearing. Into the darkroom I went, armed with photo paper, dodgers, burners, and a fresh arsenal of profanity. It was a savage battle—me versus the universe, stacks of ruined photo paper piling up as I pushed, burned, and prayed for redemption. And somehow, against all odds, I found it.

The final prints? They’ve got teeth now. Shadows with real weight, highlights that sing, and enough grit to honor the feral glory of that flathead. Better yet, I managed to turn chaos into something vaguely repeatable. Each print has its own quirks—subtle shifts in tone and texture—but they all carry the same soul. They’re alive, dammit.

So here’s the play: I made five prints. Big ones—17”x22”—each signed, numbered, and as much a piece of me as that motor is. And I’m selling them. But here’s the kicker: I don’t want your money. Not for me, anyway. Stick with me.

Los Angeles—the hallowed ground where hot rodding was born, raised, and perfected. The City of Angels is the Mecca, the beating heart of everything we love about this twisted world of speed and steel. No place can touch it, no matter how hard they try. But right now, LA is burning. Devastating fires have ripped through the city, and people are losing everything.

The proceeds from these prints will kickstart a fund—a tiny lifeline for our own. When the smoke clears and the ashes settle, there will be members of this community who’ve lost it all. They’re the ones who’ll benefit from this. The first we identify will be the first to receive.

So here’s the deal: buy a print, and do something bigger than yourself. Then, keep your ears to the ground. When one of our own needs help, let us know. Let’s do this right.


UPDATE: Thanks to Joey we have found a HAMBer that lost everything. That member didn’t ask for this and has no idea we are doing it, so I will keep him and his family anonymous for now.

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