Alliance Reboot

Alliance Reboot

I gotta little behind on stamping Alliance tags and spent this past Friday getting caught up. While doing so, I found myself deep in thought about the Alliance and the people that use it to support me. Self loathing set in and after awhile, I came to the conclusion that I’ve become complacent and need to get back to work.

It’s been over a year since I added a vendor to the Alliance… and quite frankly, that’s bullshit. While our present lineup of vendors is pretty damned good, new businesses and suppliers enter the market all the time and I haven’t done a very good job of keeping up with that.

The laziness stops now.

But, I need your help… I was hoping I could talk you guys into giving me any ideas you might have for new vendors. Idea being, I will compile a list of targets and then go after them and get them enrolled. So… What do you say?

Who would you like to see enlisted in the Alliance program? Don’t be shy… I won’t be.

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