The Last ’29 Touring Update

The Last ’29 Touring Update

Man, I did a bad job covering this one. Keith started it after he had already moved out of my shop and I have just been too busy to get out to his new space to cover the build consistently. Total fail on my part… but not Keith’s as the car is done. In fact, the damn thing sold 45 minutes after he turned the last bolt.

I ran out to Keith’s last week to shoot the shit and by happenstance, the happy new owner was loading the little touring on a trailer and prepping it for it’s 1800 mile ride home. I would have loved to have gotten some alone time with this car and a camera, but it wasn’t meant to be. Even so, I figured I owed you guys at least some snap shops of the little bugger before she left Texas.

So, enjoy:

You can see the build thread that I did such a shitty job on here.

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