2013 Hot Rod Revolution: Cancelled!

Mother Nature can be a mean old petticoat. She’s proving her ways right now as she threatens to tumble any that dare show their heads this Saturday in Gruene, TX for the seventh Hot Rod Revolution. We’ve been giving her the stink eye all week hoping she’d buy the bluff and back down, but with each day comes an even gloomier weather outlook for the day of the show. As it stands now, we are looking at highs in the low 40’s, rain, and lots of wind. Utter misery looms.
As a result, we’ve decided to pull the plug on this year’s Revolution. The show is off. Canceled. Not gonna happen.
Damnit man… That hurt to type.
If you have a car registered for the show, you will receive a 100% refund. If you paid via PayPal, you can expect to see that soon. If you paid by check, I’ll get your refund in the mail ASAP. If you have any concerns at all, just email us and we will take care of you.
Of course, none of us here are content with letting that evil vixen get a complete win this weekend. If you are headed for Austin, don’t stop now. Instead, come hang out with us at La Mancha where we will be hosting a little consolation party and celebrating a Saturday evening the only way we know how. The plan is to meet up around 8pm at the restaurant (great parking by the way), grab a bite to eat, and then sip a few beers as the Texas Blue Dots wale some tunes out in our direction (they come on at 10pm). It’s gonna be a special night. Expect to be out till atleast midnight.
And if you wanna get started early, we got you covered there too… Head to the world famous Continental Club and from 3:30pm to 6pm you can listen to Redd Volkaert do his thing. We will be there… and hell, you should be too…
Stay tuned as this story develops… and a thank you and an apology for all of those this effects. As you might imagine, this hasn’t been easy. BUT – Steve, Will, and myself are determined to make the best out of this. Lemonaid out of lemons. Or, in this case, tequila out of leaves.
Note: The open house is still on for Friday night at Austin Speed Shop as well. These guys have been up to some killer shit lately and their open houses are always a good time – so don’t miss it.