2011 Jalopy Journal/H.A.M.B. Shirts Are Here!

2011 Jalopy Journal/H.A.M.B. Shirts Are Here!

It’s the warm up lap of the 1946 Indy 500. Wind is rushing by Emil Anders’ head as he promisingly pilots the Elgin Piston Pin Special. His foot aches for full throttle as he holds a quarter. The nervous perspiration from his palms has soaked through his gloves and glossed over his Bell 4-spoke. He grips harder and harder. And then he glimpses the green flag. It’s time to go full.

Suddenly, Emil isn’t nervous anymore. He’s confident. It’s not experience that is putting him at ease. It’s not blind confidence either. See, Emil remembered that he was wearing his lucky H.A.M.B. shirt under his “fire” suit. With it, he can’t lose… And neither can you.

It’s that time of the year fellas. It’s time to open the screen printing vault and release our latest swag. We’ve got a number of new shirts this year designed by honorable men such as Hollywood Tuck and even the legendary Andy Cruz of House Industries. We went big time this year so you could look your best in 2011. How about that?

You can see all of the new designs here. Hell, we even did one for the broads… And just to keep the masses happy, we also threw up a few more of the chain stitched work shirts. Take your pick ladies and gentlemen, you can’t go wrong.


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