There’s An App For That

There’s An App For That

It feels a bit surreal to be releasing a mobile application for The Jalopy Journal, but here I am… doing just that. The most traditional content on the web is now available by means of one of the most modern contraptions in the world. The Jalopy Journal for iPhone is now available for purchase. If you are into such things, you can get yours here.

This is the first iPhone App that I’ve done and as such, there are some “goods” and “bads” to deal with. I always like my bad news first. How about you?

The Bad
Being that this is my first iPhone App and regardless of the fact that I have spent a great deal of time testing this app, you can bet your ass that this first release will have bugs. If you find one, you can report it here.

Due to some unforeseen circumstances that I’ll spare you from, the app is priced at $1.99. Frankly, this drives me nuts… I feel like the app should be free. To add insult to injury, Apple doesn’t provide developers with a method to give a discount. As such, Alliance members aren’t getting a discount either. Shit. Shit. Shit.

It is what it is… A $1.99 App.

The Good
The App really is pretty damned impressive. However, at the moment it really only ads two features over simply using your iPhone browser to access the site:

1. The App is quite a bit faster. In fact, we benchmarked the App and found that the site loads about 60% faster when using the App over mobile Safari. This extra speed and the formatting of the App in general just makes The Jalopy Journal feel more at home on your iPhone. It’s a pleasant user experience.

2. The regular iPhone browser does not give you image uploading abilities in the forums. The new App does and it is remarkable… I’m really excited about this feature. You can literally take photos from your phone and have them uploaded to a thread in seconds. The possibilities are really endless, but can you imagine the event coverage that could come from this? Rad.

In any case, there you have it. I hope you all enjoy the iPhone App. I’m sure updates, upgrades, and bug fixes will be coming soon.


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